Watch Uji ni wa Monogatari ga Aru
A collaboration between Uji City & Kyoto Animation: an animated PR video directed by Takuya Yamamura.
Note: A 30-second "short" version of this animation was released on the Uji City YouTube channel on March 7, 2024. The "full" 6~ minute version of this animation was initially only accessible on a dedicated Mobicp site after answering a questionnaire and also geographically being within Uji City, starting from March 9, 2024. The full version was later uploaded to Uji City's YouTube channel on August 1, 2024, as well as Kyoto Animation's YouTube channel on August 2, 2024.
Other name: うじには物語がある, 京都アニメーション ×「紫式部ゆかりのまち宇治」PR動画, Kyoto Animation X Murasaki Shikibu Yukari No Machi Uji PR Douga, 宇治市 × Kyoto Animation, Murasaki Shikibu Yukari No Machi Uji PR Douga: Uji Ni Wa Monogatari Ga Aru, 紫式部ゆかりのまち宇治 PR動画 うじには物語がある, Uji City X Kyoto Animation
Genres: Slice Of Life, Supernatural
Date aired: Mar 09, 2024
Status: Completed
Views: 10,512
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